

This tutorial is written for Applied Economics students at the University of Bristol.

How this works

  • The tutorial is structured as a complete research project starting with loading the raw data and ending with regression coefficients.
  • There are two tutorials. This one is the static version. To try the dynamic version go to: applied_econ_with_R_dynamic (they cover the same material).
  • The tutorial aims at covering the same methods we covered in Stata during the term.
  • All data used is directly downloadable. You should therefore be able to download the data and try the methods in R on your own computer.
  • The tutorial mainly consists of code blocks and the resulting output. Every now and then I include some references to how I would do the same task in Stata or key differences to Stata.

I appreciate feedback, thanks.

Hans (November 15 , 2022)

1 Research question & data

You will only see the above content in the output.

1.1 The research question

Our goal is to answer the following fictitious research question:

Does attending a summer school improve test scores?

The research question will be addressed using a fictitious simulated dataset.

1.2 The fictitious setting

The research question is inspired by papers such as Matsudaira (2007) and the survey on interventions for low SES students by by Dietrichson et al ( 2017).

The fictitious setting is as follows:

  • In the summer break between year 5 and year 6, (roughly corresponding to age 10) there is an optional summer school.
  • The summer school could be focusing on the school curriculum, or it could be focused on skills that lead to improved schooling outcomes (for example “grit” as in Alan et al (2019)).
  • The summer school is free, but enrollment requires active involvement by parents.
  • We are interested in whether participation in the summer school improves child outcomes.

1.3 The fictitious data

We have three datasets to study the research question:

  1. school_data_1.csv
  • We use this as example on how to load data stored in a csv format.
  • This dataset contains information about person id, school id, an indicator variable that takes the value of 1 if the individual participated in the summer school, information about gender, parental income and parental schooling, and test scores in year 5 (before the treatment) and year 6.
  1. school_data_2.dta
  • We use this as example on how to load data stored in Stata format.
  • This dataset contains information about person id, which enables us to link it to the first dataset. We will use this to practice merging data.
  • The dataset also contains information about whether the individual received a reminder letter.
  1. school_data_3.xlsx
  • We use this as example on how to load data stored in a Microsoft Excel format.
  • This dataset contains information about person id, which enables us to link it to the first dataset.
  • The dataset also contains information about test scores in earlier (<5) and later years (>6).

Let’s get started!

2 Loading & merging the data

2.1 Installing and loading a “package”

The first item on our to do list is to load the datasets. The first dataset is in a csv format. There are several ways to load a csv document into R. I am going to use read_csv() from the readr package. Before we can use this package we need to install it. We install a package with the install.packages() function, where we insert the name of the package in parenthesis. This procedure corresponds to ssc install outreg to install outreg in Stata.

An important difference to Stata is that we also have to tell R to use the new package in every new session. We do that with library(). However we only have to install it once. So to install and load readr we run the following command:


To load the readr package we run the following command:


While we only have to install a package once on each computer, we have load it in every new session.

2.2 Loading a csv data file

Having installed readr we are now ready to use the read_csv() function to load our first dataset. We will load the dataset school_data_1.csv by inserting the path to the file in the parenthesis. In the example below we first load the readr package to illustrate that we have to load it in every new session. However, in later code blocks we’ll leave out the library() call for packages that have already been loaded.

PS. note also that we include comments in code block below. Comments are lines that R ignores and these lines always start with a # symbol.

# load readr package
# load data
## # A tibble: 3,491 × 8
##    person_id school_id summercamp female parental_schooling parental_lincome
##        <int>     <int>      <dbl>  <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1         1         5          0      1                 10             12.9
##  2         2        14          1      0                 11             14.7
##  3         3         7          1      0                 14             16.1
##  4         4         8          0      0                 12             14.6
##  5         5         9          1      0                 11             13.8
##  6         6        26          1      1                 11             14.7
##  7         7        13          1      1                 11             14.4
##  8         8        11          0      1                 13             15.0
##  9         9        23          1      1                 11             14.3
## 10        10         9          1      1                 11             13.8
## # … with 3,481 more rows, and 2 more variables: test_year_5 <dbl>,
## #   test_year_6 <dbl>

Stata users would now expect that the dataset is loaded in the memory and everything I do now relates to this dataset. Stata users will be disappointed. When R executes the command above it loads the data, but then it says: “Hey, Hans didn’t tell me what to do with the dataset, so I will just print the contents of it and forget it.”

While Stata (at least in older versions) is based on having one dataset loaded at a time, we can have many datasets loaded at once in R. Therefore, to identify the dataset we need to give it a name. In this example we tell R to store the new dataset under the name school_data_1 we use the assignment operator <-, but = would also work. However, it is a good habit to use the assignment operator, because it makes life a bit easier in more advanced situations that will meet later on your R journey (not in this tutorial).

# load data and assign it to an object with the name school_data_1

In Stata my first step after loading the data is typically to use browse to take a look at the data. In R we can do that with View(school_data_1). I will not show that command here. Instead I will present the function head() that prints the head of the dataset with the first 6 rows.

# Use head() to print first 6 observations of school_data_1
## # A tibble: 6 × 8
##   person_id school_id summercamp female parental_schooling parental_lincome
##       <int>     <int>      <dbl>  <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1         1         5          0      1                 10             12.9
## 2         2        14          1      0                 11             14.7
## 3         3         7          1      0                 14             16.1
## 4         4         8          0      0                 12             14.6
## 5         5         9          1      0                 11             13.8
## 6         6        26          1      1                 11             14.7
## # … with 2 more variables: test_year_5 <dbl>, test_year_6 <dbl>

2.3 Loading a Stata data file

We will now load a Stata dataset into R. To load a dta file I will use the read.dta13() function from the readstata13 package. The syntax is then very similar to the read_csv() syntax. This time we will use tail() to show the last 8 observations.

# load readstata13
# use read.dta13 from readstata13 to load a Stata dataset
school_data_2<- read.dta13("C:/Users/hhs/school_data_2.dta")
# print the 8 rows in the tail
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   person_id letter
##       <int>  <dbl>
## 1      3484      0
## 2      3485      0
## 3      3486      1
## 4      3487      0
## 5      3488      1
## 6      3489      0
## 7      3490      0
## 8      3491      0

2.4 Loading an xlsx file

Finally, we’ll load the the xlsx file school_data_3.xlsx for that we’ll use the read.xlsx() function from the openxlsx package. Again, the syntax is very similar to what we’ve seen before. This time we will use the glimpse() function from the dplyr package to get a glimpse of the dataset.

# Load openxlsx and dplyr
# Use read.xlsx from openxlsx to load .xlsx file
school_data_3 <- read.xlsx("C:/Users/hhs/school_data_3.xlsx")
# use glimpse to get a "glimpse" of the loaded dataset
## Rows: 3,491
## Columns: 10
## $ person_id    <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17…
## $ test_year_2  <dbl> 1.090117, 1.246309, 2.726472, 2.693032, 1.660545, 2.22377…
## $ test_year_3  <dbl> 1.914594, 1.154470, 2.269011, 2.413203, 1.828067, 2.27566…
## $ test_year_4  <dbl> 2.065805, 1.582455, 3.247252, 1.479452, 1.361972, 2.38510…
## $ test_year_7  <dbl> 2.377697, 1.747376, 3.017764, 2.637954, 1.904636, 3.37613…
## $ test_year_8  <dbl> 2.032904, 2.444041, 3.361646, 3.021940, 2.109774, 3.24542…
## $ test_year_9  <dbl> 1.493803, 1.663050, 3.387020, 2.761513, 2.285818, 2.96503…
## $ test_year_10 <dbl> 1.880512, 1.833769, 2.968617, 2.088086, 1.845694, 3.30819…
## $ learnings    <dbl> 10.236394, 8.278911, 8.966529, 8.876466, 8.770518, 10.484…
## $ school_id    <int> 5, 14, 7, 8, 9, 26, 13, 11, 23, 9, 25, 15, 3, 4, 17, 7, 1…

2.5 Merging the datasets

Let’s now merge the three datasets. We will use the merge() function for that. In merge we first state the names of the two datasets to merge. We then tell R the column(s) to use to merge the two datasets with by=..... As a default R includes all rows that are observed in both datasets (based on the by variable), but we can set all=TRUE to keep all rows from both datasets, or all.x=TRUE to keep all rows from the first dataset and all rows that were merged, and finally all.y=TRUE to keep all rows from the second dataset. The default behaviour of R corresponds to using the option keep(3) in Stata, and Stata’s default option corresponds to using all=TRUE in R.

Here as example where merge the first two datasets. We then use the dim() function to get the dimensions of the new merged dataset in terms of the number of rows and the number of columns.

# merge school_data_1 with school_data_2
# dimensions
## [1] 3491    9

We note that the merged dataset has 3491 rows and 9 columns. We actually didn’t check the number of rows in the raw datasets (that would have been a good thing to do; maybe you can do it by changing the code above?). If all rows are merged we should have the same number of rows as in the original dataset. From above we knew that school_data_1 has 8 columns and by merging the school_data_2 on we also get the column with the information about whether the family receiving the letter, making it to in total 9 columns.

Important difference to Stata: A key difference between Stata and R merge is that in case a variable in the first dataset has the same name as a column in the second dataset, R will automatically rename the column names by adding suffices .x (the column from the first dataset) and .y (the column from the second dataset). Stata just overwrites the columns.

In the block below we:

  1. Merge school_data_1 and school_data_2 by the person_id column and save the merged dataset under the name school_data.
  2. Merge school_data_3 with school_data and overwrite school_data. Note in this case we merge by person_id and school_id columns. This is not necessary (because person_id is unique), but serves as an example on how to merge by more columns using c(). name school_data.
  3. Use the summary() function to obtain summary statistics of the variables.
# Merge school_data_1 and school_data_2 and save as school_data_merged 
# Merge school_data_3 with school_data_merged
# summary statistics
##    person_id        school_id       summercamp         female      
##  Min.   :   1.0   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.: 873.5   1st Qu.: 8.00   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :1746.0   Median :15.00   Median :0.0000   Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :1746.0   Mean   :15.66   Mean   :0.4641   Mean   :0.5153  
##  3rd Qu.:2618.5   3rd Qu.:23.00   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :3491.0   Max.   :30.00   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
##  parental_schooling parental_lincome  test_year_5       test_year_6    
##  Min.   :10.00      Min.   :12.67    Min.   :-0.2872   Min.   :0.1907  
##  1st Qu.:11.00      1st Qu.:14.12    1st Qu.: 1.7821   1st Qu.:1.9200  
##  Median :11.00      Median :14.52    Median : 2.2407   Median :2.3590  
##  Mean   :11.32      Mean   :14.56    Mean   : 2.2413   Mean   :2.4277  
##  3rd Qu.:12.00      3rd Qu.:14.95    3rd Qu.: 2.6978   3rd Qu.:2.9267  
##  Max.   :23.00      Max.   :19.45    Max.   : 4.6721   Max.   :4.8913  
##  NA's   :5                           NA's   :6         NA's   :5       
##      letter        test_year_2       test_year_3      test_year_4     
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :-0.5701   Min.   :-0.464   Min.   :0.01425  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.: 1.7712   1st Qu.: 1.818   1st Qu.:1.78282  
##  Median :0.0000   Median : 2.2377   Median : 2.249   Median :2.24947  
##  Mean   :0.2469   Mean   : 2.2246   Mean   : 2.254   Mean   :2.24952  
##  3rd Qu.:0.0000   3rd Qu.: 2.6644   3rd Qu.: 2.715   3rd Qu.:2.70903  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   : 4.7373   Max.   : 4.389   Max.   :4.34995  
##   test_year_7       test_year_8       test_year_9       test_year_10    
##  Min.   :0.03139   Min.   :-0.1856   Min.   :-0.2456   Min.   :-0.3043  
##  1st Qu.:1.93768   1st Qu.: 1.9277   1st Qu.: 1.9371   1st Qu.: 1.9415  
##  Median :2.36855   Median : 2.3889   Median : 2.3868   Median : 2.3776  
##  Mean   :2.44445   Mean   : 2.4506   Mean   : 2.4531   Mean   : 2.4541  
##  3rd Qu.:2.97207   3rd Qu.: 2.9596   3rd Qu.: 2.9861   3rd Qu.: 2.9693  
##  Max.   :4.77111   Max.   : 5.0451   Max.   : 4.6565   Max.   : 4.9295  
##    learnings     
##  Min.   : 5.386  
##  1st Qu.: 9.181  
##  Median :10.041  
##  Mean   :10.064  
##  3rd Qu.:10.959  
##  Max.   :14.621  

3 Cleaning the data

3.1 Tidying the data

Now that we have merged the datasets, we want to make sure that the merged dataset satisfies the Tidy Data Principles. From these principles we know that the number of columns should correspond to the number of variables in the dataset. There are 10 variables in the dataset.

Let’s now compare the number of variables to the number of columns:

# Alternatively we can use the nrow() functions to get the number of columns
## [1] 17

Oh no! The number of columns does not correspond to the number of variables. Let’s sort this out. The issue is that the variables test_year_5 contain information about the test score and the year. We need to separate this out. We can use tools from the tidyr package to make the dataset tidy. Specifically, we use pivot_longer() which corresponds to reshape long in Stata. See also section 9.2 in the R introduction for details.

# load tidyr package
# make data tidy (make long)
         cols = starts_with("test_year"),
         names_to = "year",
         names_prefix = "test_year_",
         names_transform = list(year = as.integer),
         values_to = "test_score",
# ncol to get the number of columns of the new dataset
## [1] 10

Hurray! We now have a dataset where the number columns correspond to the number of variables.

3.2 Sample Selection

We now have a dataset that satisfies the tidy data principles. The next task before is the sample selection. The only sample selection we are concerned with in this exercise is missing values. We will use the skim() function to assess how many missing values there are in our dataset. skim() is one of my favourite functions in R to get an overview of the datasets, it comes from the skimr package.

# Load skimr
# Use skim() to skim the data
Data summary
Name school_data_tidy
Number of rows 31419
Number of columns 10
Column type frequency:
numeric 10
Group variables None

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
person_id 0 1 1746.00 1007.78 1.00 873.00 1746.00 2619.00 3491.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
school_id 0 1 15.66 8.67 1.00 8.00 15.00 23.00 30.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
summercamp 0 1 0.46 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ▇▁▁▁▇
female 0 1 0.52 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ▇▁▁▁▇
parental_schooling 45 1 11.32 1.10 10.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 23.00 ▇▁▁▁▁
parental_lincome 0 1 14.56 0.69 12.67 14.11 14.52 14.95 19.45 ▂▇▁▁▁
letter 0 1 0.25 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 ▇▁▁▁▂
learnings 0 1 10.06 1.28 5.39 9.18 10.04 10.96 14.62 ▁▃▇▃▁
year 0 1 6.00 2.58 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 ▇▇▃▇▇
test_score 11 1 2.36 0.72 -0.57 1.87 2.32 2.83 5.05 ▁▂▇▃▁

We can easily observe how many rows and columns there are, the variable types, the number of missing values. The mean, standard deviations, percentiles, and we even get a small histogram.

We observe that the column parental_schooling has 45 missing values and the variable test_score has 11 missing values. Let’s assume that these values are missing at random and remove these rows. Here we use filter() for that. The filter() function takes two arguments. First, the name of the original dataset, and secondly the condition a row must satisfy to be kept in the filtering process. The condition we want to satisfy is that !is.na(parental_schooling). The is.na() is a function is true if the element in ( ) is missing. We use the ! to achieve the opposite of that. In other words that parental schooling is not missing.

# Select only rows with no missing values
# Use skim() to skim the data again
Data summary
Name school_data_selected
Number of rows 31363
Number of columns 10
Column type frequency:
numeric 10
Group variables None

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
person_id 0 1 1746.67 1007.89 1.00 873.00 1746.00 2620.00 3491.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
school_id 0 1 15.66 8.68 1.00 8.00 15.00 23.00 30.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
summercamp 0 1 0.46 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 ▇▁▁▁▇
female 0 1 0.52 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ▇▁▁▁▇
parental_schooling 0 1 11.32 1.10 10.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 23.00 ▇▁▁▁▁
parental_lincome 0 1 14.56 0.69 12.67 14.11 14.52 14.95 19.45 ▂▇▁▁▁
letter 0 1 0.25 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 ▇▁▁▁▂
learnings 0 1 10.06 1.28 5.39 9.18 10.04 10.96 14.62 ▁▃▇▃▁
year 0 1 6.00 2.58 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 ▇▇▃▇▇
test_score 0 1 2.36 0.72 -0.57 1.87 2.32 2.83 5.05 ▁▂▇▃▁

Very good! We’ve now created a new dataset containing only complete cases. Let’s now create a nice looking table.

3.3 Modifying the data

Our next step is to make some modifications to the data. First, we will rename the summercamp variable to summerschool. We do that with the rename() function. The rename() function has a similar syntax to filter. We first state the name of the original dataset and then the rename expression.

# rename summercamp to summerschool
analysisdata<-rename(school_data_selected, summerschool=summercamp)
# use head to view the first 6 observations 
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##   person_id school_id summerschool female parental_schooling parental_lincome
##       <int>     <int>        <dbl>  <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1         1         5            0      1                 10             12.9
## 2         1         5            0      1                 10             12.9
## 3         1         5            0      1                 10             12.9
## 4         1         5            0      1                 10             12.9
## 5         1         5            0      1                 10             12.9
## 6         1         5            0      1                 10             12.9
## # … with 4 more variables: letter <dbl>, learnings <dbl>, year <int>,
## #   test_score <dbl>

Brilliant. In the next step we want to transform our test_score variable to have mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. Importantly we want to do this standardization within year. In Stata this would be a task for bys year:. In Stata we first specify what variable to group the data on, and the apply the functions sd and mean on that level.

# Standardize test score
# Group analysisdata by year
# Create a new variable with mutate
analysisdata<-mutate(analysisdata, test_score=(test_score-mean(test_score))/sd(test_score))
# show mean of test_score
print(paste("Mean of test score:",mean(analysisdata$test_score)))
## [1] "Mean of test score: -7.87202059464047e-17"
#show sd of test_score
print(paste("SD of test score:",sd(analysisdata$test_score)))
## [1] "SD of test score: 0.999872448979073"

In the example above we use

  • print() to print output to the console (just like display in Stata).
  • paste() to concatenate elements together
  • analysisdata$test_score to extract the variable test_score from the analysisdata dataset.
  • mean() and sd() to calculate means and standard deviations. Note that this only works because we already removed the missing values. If we apply mean() on a vector that includes missing values it will return a missing value unless we specify the option na.rm = FALSE.

4 Descriptive Statistics

We’ve now managed to load csv, dta, and xlsx files. We’ve also managed to merge them, restructure the dataset, and we have removed missing values. The next step in our empirical project is to create some tables and charts to describe the dataset.

Our goal is to create a table that shows means, standard deviations, and other statistics that gives us and the reader an impression of the dataset. We already know at least two ways to calculate summary statistics:

  1. summary() from base R. This function actually works on a lot of object types in R. It always gives a good summary. But our goal is to create a table that we can include in a Microsoft Word or Latex document.

  2. skim() from the skimr package.

4.1 A quick way to create a nice looking table

We will first use a cousin of skim() to create a table with summary statistics that can be exported to various formats, included Latex. The cousin comes from the modelsummary package and is called datasummary_skim(). Let’s first create the default table:

# load modelsummary
# create a summary stat table
Unique (#) Missing (%) Mean SD Min Median Max
year 1 0 2.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
female 2 0 0.5 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0
parental_schooling 12 0 11.3 1.1 10.0 11.0 23.0
parental_lincome 3486 0 14.6 0.7 12.7 14.5 19.4
letter 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.0
summerschool 2 0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0
test_score 3486 0 −0.0 1.0 −4.1 0.0 3.7

Let’s change the appearance of the table and export it to Word. When exporting it to Latex, we can’t have histogram’, so we disable them. We specify output="docx" to write to a Word file. We can also export the table to other formats like LaTex.

# load modelsummary
# create a summary stat table in Latex format
  datasummary_skim( fmt="%.2f",
                 histogram=FALSE, output="tab_summary_statistics.docx")
# load modelsummary
# create a summary stat table in Latex format
  datasummary_skim( fmt="%.2f")
Unique (#) Missing (%) Mean SD Min Median Max
year 1 0 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
female 2 0 0.52 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00
parental_schooling 12 0 11.32 1.10 10.00 11.00 23.00
parental_lincome 3486 0 14.56 0.69 12.67 14.52 19.45
letter 2 0 0.25 0.43 0.00 0.00 1.00
summerschool 2 0 0.46 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00
test_score 3486 0 −0.00 1.00 −4.13 0.02 3.71


4.2 Custom tables

To customize our table of summary statistics a bit more we can use the function datasummary() (from the modelsummary package, but we have already loaded that1). This function allows us to enter a formula for the structure of our table.

# create a summary stat table
            sparse_header = FALSE,
Mean SD Mean SD
female 0.51 0.50 0.53 0.50
parental_schooling 11.03 0.74 11.67 1.33
letter 0.09 0.29 0.43 0.49
test_score −0.29 0.85 0.34 1.05

In the example above we

  • List the variables to include separated with a +:female+parental_schooling+pa...

  • Use a ~ to separate the list of variables from the formula.

  • Use the formula Factor(summerschool)*(Mean+SD) to show that we want to show the mean and standard deviation separately for each values of the variable summerschool. We use Factor() to tell R that it should consider summerschool as a binary variable. We could also have done that in the data tidying process. We can also reverse the ordering (Mean+SD)*Factor(summerschool), which would then first show the mean and standard deviation and then split by summerschool within these values.

  • Use sparse_header = FALSE to specify that we actually want to include the “summerschool” as a header.

4.3 Variable names in tables

So far we’ve used variable names as labels in our table. In contrast to Stata, R allows for labels with white space, and we could therefore rename the variables to give nicer looking names in our table. However, we can also just assign a “label” when creating the table as shown below:

# load modelsummary
# create a summary stat table

            (`Parental schooling (years)`=parental_schooling)+
            (`Parental income (log)`=parental_lincome)+
            (`Received reminder letter`=letter)+
            (`Test Score`=test_score)~
            (`Attended summer school`=Factor(summerschool))*
            sparse_header = FALSE,
Mean SD Mean SD
Female 0.51 0.50 0.53 0.50
Parental schooling (years) 11.03 0.74 11.67 1.33
Parental income (log) 14.35 0.52 14.81 0.79
Received reminder letter 0.09 0.29 0.43 0.49
Test Score −0.29 0.85 0.34 1.05

4.4 Exporting our table to Microsoft Word

To save our datasummary() table to Microsoft Word or Latex, we use the same expression as with datasummary_skim(), as illustrated below:

# load modelsummary
# create a summary stat table

            (`Parental schooling (years)`=parental_schooling)+
            (`Parental income (log)`=parental_lincome)+
            (`Received reminder letter`=letter)+
            (`Test Score`=test_score)~
            sparse_header = FALSE,
            output = 'tab_descriptive_statistics.docx')

5 Descriptive charts

The ggplot world is covered in detail in R introduction, but let us briefly cover a few charts here as well. You will also see more charts in later chapters.

5.1 A scatter plot

Our first chart is a scatter plot. We are interested in whether test score and parental income are correlated. We therefore create a scatter plot of test scores in year 5 against parental income. We add a fitted line as well.

In the following example we

  1. Initiate a ggplot() object using the analysisdata filtered to only include year 5.
  2. Specify that parental_lincome should be used on the x-axis and test_score on the y-axis in aes() inside ggplot().
  3. Use geom_smooth() to include a fitted line.
  4. Use geom_point() to add the scatters.
# load ggplot2
# create a scatter plot with a fitted line
       geom_smooth(color="#145c21") +
       theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#ededed",color="#ededed"),
             plot.background = element_rect(fill="#ededed",color="#ededed"),
             panel.grid.major = element_line(colour="#a3a3a3",size=0.1))+
  labs(x="Log(Parental Income)",y="Test Score (Mean=0,SD=1)", title="Test scores & Parental income")

5.2 Bar chart and boxplot

Okay, we observe that test score is correlated with parental income. That is not surprising. Now let’s also create charts to assesses whether summer school attendance is correlated with individual characteristics. We first create a scatter plot of parental schooling and test scores in year 5 (before the summer school). This is just like above, but with schooling instead of income. Secondly, we create a bar chart showing average test score in year 5 (before the summer school) by summer school attendance. Thirdly, we create box plots of parental income by summer school attendance. There are a few additional tricks in the following code:

  • We first create the basic ggplot() object where we load the data and specify the theme. This object is called rawchart
  • We then create 3 charts based on rawchart. Each chart is saved under a name.
  • We use geom_bar() to create a bar chart. We set stat="summary",fun="mean" to tell R to create a bar chart showing the mean of test_score.
  • We use labs() to specify the axes titles.
  • We use geom_boxplot() to create a box plot.
  • We use the patchwork package to combine several charts in one chart.
  • Use ggsave() to save the chart to a png file.
# Load patchwork 
# Create raw chart element
# Create bar chart of pre summer school test score and summer school 
       geom_smooth(aes(x=parental_schooling,y=test_score)) +
       labs(x="Parental schooling", y="Test Score Year 5")
# Create bar chart of pre summer school test score and summer school 
       labs(y="Test Score Year 5", x="Attended Summer School")
# Create bar chart of parental schooling and summer school attendance
       labs(y="Parental Income (log)", x="Attended Summer School")
# Combine charts
# Export chart

The three charts above show us that test scores are correlated with parental background (the scatter plot), that those who attended the summer school had better test scores before the summer school, and that parental account is correlated with summer school attendance (the box plot). In short:

5.3 Histogram & density charts

Let’s compare the test score distribution in year 6 (after the summer school) for those who attended the summer school with those who did not. We create a histogram and add a line showing the estimated density distributions.

# create a histogram and density chart
       geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),bins = 50,alpha=0.5,
       geom_density(alpha=0.0,size=1,show.legend= FALSE)+
       labs(y="Density",x="Test score",fill=" ")+
       scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set2",labels=c("No summer school","Summer school"))+

5.4 The Joy Division Album Cover chart

The next chart is inspired by a Joy Division album cover unknown pleasures (read more here). We use geom_density_ridges() from the ggridges package.

Our goal is to compare the test score distribution for those who received the summer school reminder letter with those who did not. We are already making a step into the next chapter and assessing at the Randomized Control Trial in two dimensions. First, the test score comparisons before year 6 are informative about whether the randomization worked. Secondly, the test score comparisons from year 6 and later are informative about the reduced form effect.

# Load ggridges

# create a ggridges  chart
ggplot(analysisdata,aes(y=as.factor(year),x=test_score,fill=as.factor(letter) ))+
        geom_density_ridges(  alpha = .7, scale=1.5,color = "white", from = -2.5, to = 2.5)+
        theme_ridges(grid = FALSE)+
  scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
        scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1",labels=c("No letter","Letter"))+
        labs(x="Test Score",y="Year",fill=" ",
            title="Test score distribution by reminder letter status  & year")+
        theme(legend.position="top",aspect.ratio=4/3,plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

The chart above tells a convincing story. In the first five years the distribution of test scores is essentially identical across those who received and those who did not receive a reminder letter. That indicates that the randomisation worked as intended. After year 5 the test score distribution of those who received a reminder letter shifted to the right compared to those who did not receive a letter suggesting a reduced form effect of the letter on our outcome. Let’s analyse that in the next sections.

6 Balancing tables

The last chart suggested that the letter that was randomly sent to some families to remind them about the summer school worked. The test score distribution of the children that received the letter shifted to the right. Importantly, the charts also suggested that there was no difference prior to the summer school. Let us now test that formally.

6.1 Pairwise t-test

We can conduct a t-test in R using t.test(). Specifically, we specify the formula test_score~summerschool to test whether the mean test_score is significantly different across the two groups specified by summerschool. Let’s do that for year 5 data:

# Filter year 5
# Conduct a t test
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  test_score by summerschool
## t = -11.268, df = 2543.3, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group 0 and group 1 is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.4565390 -0.3211936
## sample estimates:
## mean in group 0 mean in group 1 
##      -0.1805770       0.2082893

Note that df<-analysisdata%>%filter(year==5) might look a bit unfamiliar to you. It simply a different way of writing df<-filter(analysisdata,year==5).

One feature of R that I really appreciate (especially compared to Stata) is that I can skip steps and directly insert functions within other functions. For example if I know that I am not going to use the selected dataset again, we don’t need to create it first.

6.2 A publication ready table of mean comparisons

If we want to create a nice looking balancing table and insert it in Word, we can use datasummary_balance() from the modelsummary package. We load the estimatr package because it enables datasummary_balance() to calculate and include the pairwise t-tests directly into the table

# Load libraries
# Filter and modify data
testdata<-mutate(testdata,Treated=ifelse(letter==1,"Letter","No Letter"))
          `Parental schooling (years)`=parental_schooling,
          `Parental income (log)`=parental_lincome,
          `Test Score`=test_score)
# Table with balancing test
                    data = testdata,
                    title = "Balance of pre-treatment variables",
                    notes = "Notes: This is a brilliant table!",
                    fmt= '%.5f',
                    dinm_statistic = "p.value")
Balance of pre-treatment variables
Letter (N=861)
No Letter (N=2619)
Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Diff. in Means p
Female 0.52033 0.49988 0.51355 0.49991 -0.00677 0.73032
Parental schooling (years) 11.31359 0.97129 11.32952 1.14573 0.01593 0.69028
Parental income (log) 14.56467 0.66201 14.56289 0.70338 -0.00178 0.94629
Test Score -0.01950 0.99990 0.00641 1.00014 0.02591 0.50968
Notes: This is a brilliant table!

This looks nice!The table suggests that all variables are well balanced across treated (receiving a letter) and untreated.

As before, we can simply add the option output=tab_balancing.docx if we want to export the table to Microsoft Word.

7 Ordinary Least Squares

Our goal is now to estimate the following reduced form relationship between test score in year 6 and an indicator for receiving a reminder letter using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)


7.1 OLS estimation with with lm()

We can run OLS with lm() (linear models). We first enter a formula of the form:

  • y~x1+x2+...

followed by the

  • data=... command.

Below is an example based on a univariate regression between testscore and the indicator for receiving the letter.

# Our first ordinary least squares regression
## Call:
## lm(formula = test_score ~ letter, data = filter(analysisdata, 
##     year == 6))
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)       letter  
##    -0.05086      0.20585

The output from lm() is a bit disappointing. But fear not. We can use the universal summary() function to get a bit more information out of lm():

# Summary of ordinary least squares regression
## Call:
## lm(formula = test_score ~ letter, data = filter(analysisdata, 
##     year == 6))
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.2378 -0.6954 -0.0716  0.6650  3.4737 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -0.05086    0.01946  -2.614    0.009 ** 
## letter       0.20585    0.03915   5.258 1.54e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9962 on 3479 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.007884,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.007599 
## F-statistic: 27.65 on 1 and 3479 DF,  p-value: 1.543e-07

A nice feature of R is that we can assign basically everything to a name and then use it later. In the code block below we first run a regression and store it under the name model1. We then later call these regression results back when using the summary() command. In the following example we include a few covariates in the regression:

#  Ordinary Least Squares regression
# Summary of model1
## Call:
## lm(formula = test_score ~ parental_schooling + parental_lincome + 
##     letter + female, data = filter(analysisdata, year == 6))
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -2.44279 -0.50854  0.00346  0.48833  2.82276 
## Coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)        -14.55959    0.29291 -49.706  < 2e-16 ***
## parental_schooling  -0.02789    0.01876  -1.487    0.137    
## parental_lincome     1.01848    0.02988  34.086  < 2e-16 ***
## letter               0.20557    0.02854   7.204 7.14e-13 ***
## female              -0.01425    0.02464  -0.578    0.563    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7261 on 3476 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.4734, Adjusted R-squared:  0.4728 
## F-statistic: 781.2 on 4 and 3476 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

7.2 OLS with the feols() function

I am a big fan of running regressions with reghdfe if in Stata. Luckily R has something quite similar. That is feols() from the fixest package. This function expects a formula of the form:

  • y~x1+x2+..|fixed effects|IV specification,cluster=..

In the following example we run a linear regression without fixed effects, but standard errors clustered on the school level.

# Load packages
# Select data
# Regression
m1<-feols(test_score~letter+parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling, cluster="school_id",data=regdata)
# Summary of regression
## OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: test_score
## Observations: 3,481 
## Standard-errors: Clustered (school_id) 
##                      Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)        -14.559587   0.334389 -43.540865  < 2.2e-16 ***
## letter               0.205574   0.027142   7.574038 2.3813e-08 ***
## parental_lincome     1.018485   0.035655  28.565105  < 2.2e-16 ***
## female              -0.014251   0.020766  -0.686275 4.9799e-01    
## parental_schooling  -0.027892   0.022328  -1.249180 2.2159e-01    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## RMSE: 0.725574   Adj. R2: 0.472785

Brilliant. Let’s now try to output such regressions to a nice looking table. We use the modelsummary() function from modelsummary for that. In the following example we

  1. Run two regressions and store them as models in a list. The first regression is above, in the second regression we add fixed effects for year and school.

  2. Use modelsummary() to output the results of the regression results stored in models.

  3. Specify that modelsummary() excludes the coefficient on the intercept.

  4. Specify that parentheses should include standard errors with statistic='std.error'.

  5. Specify the formatting of the numbers with fmt=...

# Load flextable and modelsummary
# Select data
# Regressions
  m1<-feols(test_score~letter+parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling, cluster="school_id",data=regdata),
  m2<-feols(test_score~letter+parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling|school_id+year, cluster="school_id",data=regdata)
# Generate table
modelsummary(models, stars = TRUE,statistic = 'std.error',
             fmt= '%.4f',
              coef_omit= '(Intercept)')
Model 1 Model 2
letter 0.2056*** 0.2102***
(0.0271) (0.0279)
parental_lincome 1.0185*** 1.0211***
(0.0357) (0.0366)
female −0.0143 −0.0096
(0.0208) (0.0203)
parental_schooling −0.0279 −0.0306
(0.0223) (0.0227)
Num.Obs. 3481 3481
R2 0.473
R2 Adj. 0.473
RMSE 0.73 0.72
Std.Errors by: school_id by: school_id
FE: school_id X
FE: year X
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Just like in earlier examples, we can output our table to Microsoft Word or Latex with output=... The results show that those received a letter have a 0.2SD higher test score in year 6. There are many other settings that we can specify to polish our table. But let us move on.

8 Logit & probit

Okay, from section 6 we conclude that the randomization worked and that receiving the letter is as good as random. From section 7 we know that those that received a letter have a 0.2SD higher test score in year 6. But that is the intend to treat effect. Let us now scale that by the first stage effect. We are interested in the link between receiving a letter and attending the summer school:


8.1 Estimating the LPM with OLS

Let us first consider the linear probability model and estimate


We already know how to do that. We can use lm() or felm(), but let us use this as a change to add a row with the mean of the dependent variable. We do that by calculating the statistics we want to add and add them to the table with add_rows=... as shown below.

# Estimate LPM (the first stage)
  m1<-feols(summerschool ~letter, cluster="school_id",data=regdata),
  m2<-feols(summerschool ~letter+parental_schooling+parental_lincome+female,cluster="school_id",data=regdata)
# Store the mean of dependent variable in a data frame
added_stats<-tibble("Mean of Dep. ",m1=mean(regdata$summerschool),m2=mean(regdata$summerschool))
# Generate table
modelsummary(models, stars = TRUE,statistic = 'std.error',  
             fmt= '%.4f',add_rows = added_stats,
              coef_omit= '(Intercept)', output = 'flextable')

So receiving the letter increases the likelihood of attending the summer school by 44% which is a about a 100% increase compared to the mean of 0.46.

8.2 Logit & Probit

We might not be happy with the linear probability model and decide to go for a logit or probit instead. Let’s have a look at that. We can use glm() to estimate logit and probit models. We specify the link function as an option as shown below for probit (just change it to =logit, for logit).

#  Estimate a binary outcomes model using a probit
probit_results <- glm(summerschool ~letter, data = regdata, family = binomial(link="probit"))
# Print the results
## Call:
## glm(formula = summerschool ~ letter, family = binomial(link = "probit"), 
##     data = regdata)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.7877  -0.9362  -0.9362   1.4395   1.4395  
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -0.37232    0.02511  -14.83   <2e-16 ***
## letter       1.20567    0.05470   22.04   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 4807.9  on 3480  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 4275.5  on 3479  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 4279.5
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Let’s compute the average marginal effects.

8.3 Marginal effects

We can use margins() to obtain average marginal effects. We simply use the margins() function on the objects storing or probit and logit estimates. We can also include these directly in a nice looking table.

# Load margins package
# Select data
##  Estimate a binary outcomes model using a logit and probit
logit_results <- glm(summerschool ~letter+parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling, data = regdata, family = binomial(link="logit"))
probit_results <- glm(summerschool ~letter+parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling, data = regdata, family = binomial(link="probit"))
# Estimate linear probability model
lpm<-feols(summerschool ~letter+parental_schooling+parental_lincome+female, cluster="school_id",data=regdata)
#  Compute marginal effects
mfx_logit<- margins(logit_results)
mfx_probit<- margins(probit_results)
# Include in table
LPM Logit Probit
(Intercept) −2.783
letter 0.443 0.409 0.414
(0.014) (0.013) (0.014)
parental_schooling 0.036 0.047 0.049
(0.012) (0.012) (0.012)
parental_lincome 0.187 0.183 0.178
(0.023) (0.017) (0.017)
female 0.010 0.010 0.010
(0.011) (0.015) (0.015)
Num.Obs. 3481
R2 0.255
R2 Adj. 0.254
AIC 3808.1 3813.8
BIC 3838.9 3844.5
RMSE 0.43 0.43 0.43
Std.Errors by: school_id

The results are very similar across the columns, and we will proceed with the LPM in a two stage least squares approach to estimate the IV.

9 Instrumental Variables

We estimated the reduced form relationship between receiving a reminder letter and test scores to be 0.2SD. We have also estimated the first stage to be around 0.4, which gives a Wald Estimate for the IV of \(IV=0.2/0.4=0.5\). Let us estimate the instrumental variable specification explicitly to see whether it maps with our answer above. I will show you two methods.

9.1 IV using the ivreg() function.

We first use the ivreg() function from the AER package. AER does not refer to the American Economic Review, but to Applied Economics with R. The syntax is as follows

  • ivreg(outcome equation| exogenous variables, data)
# Load the AER package
# Select data
# Estimate IV specification with
## Call:
## ivreg(formula = test_score ~ summerschool + female + parental_lincome + 
##     parental_schooling | female + parental_lincome + parental_schooling + 
##     letter, data = regdata)
## Residuals:
##       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
## -2.339871 -0.442354  0.008259  0.436036  2.565493 
## Coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)        -13.26937    0.30480 -43.535  < 2e-16 ***
## summerschool         0.46360    0.05761   8.047 1.15e-15 ***
## female              -0.01872    0.02207  -0.848  0.39627    
## parental_lincome     0.93185    0.02892  32.217  < 2e-16 ***
## parental_schooling  -0.04473    0.01690  -2.647  0.00817 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.65 on 3476 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-Squared: 0.578,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.5775 
## Wald test: 974.7 on 4 and 3476 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

The estimate is very close to the 0.5 we obtained above at 0.46SD.

9.2 IV using the feols() function.

Let us now reuse the feols() function. Just like we can use reghdfe in Stata for IV, felm() also allows us to estimate IV specifications. We don’t include fixed effect, so we simply set this part to 0. We then add a new part with the first stag

# Estimate IV specification with felm 
m1<-feols(test_score~parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling| # Outcome eq.
           0|                                                    # Fixed effects
           summerschool~letter                                   # First stage
           ,cluster="school_id"                                  # Cluster var
# Summary of results
## TSLS estimation, Dep. Var.: test_score, Endo.: summerschool, Instr.: letter
## Second stage: Dep. Var.: test_score
## Observations: 3,481 
## Standard-errors: Clustered (school_id) 
##                      Estimate Std. Error    t value   Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)        -13.269370   0.325477 -40.768964  < 2.2e-16 ***
## fit_summerschool     0.463600   0.058812   7.882797 1.0788e-08 ***
## parental_lincome     0.931852   0.030669  30.383780  < 2.2e-16 ***
## female              -0.018723   0.018995  -0.985649 3.3246e-01    
## parental_schooling  -0.044732   0.019098  -2.342270 2.6241e-02 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## RMSE: 0.649555   Adj. R2: 0.577472
## F-test (1st stage), summerschool: stat = 685.7, p < 2.2e-16  , on 1 and 3,476 DoF.
##                       Wu-Hausman: stat =  38.0, p = 7.859e-10, on 1 and 3,475 DoF.

The coefficients are as above, but note that the standard errors are slightly different now, as we cluster them on the school level. Note also that feols() tells us that the F-stat on the excluded instrument is 686.

9.3 A complete IV table

Let us finish the IV section by creating a complete IV table showing the raw correlation between test score and summer school attendance, the reduced form, the first stage, and the IV estimate.

Note that in the example below we use coef_map= to rename coefficients, specify the coefficients to include, and to let two coefficients with different names appear in the same row (summerschool and fit_summerschool ).

# Estimate OLS
# Estimate reduced form 
# Estimate first stage 
# Estimate IV specification 
IV<-feols(test_score~parental_lincome+female+parental_schooling| # Outcome eq.
           0|                                                    # Fixed effects
           summerschool~letter                                   # First stage
           ,cluster="school_id"                                  # Cluster var
# Combine results
# Coefficients
cm <- c('fit_summerschool' = 'Summer School',
        'summerschool' = 'Summer School','parental_lincome' = 'Parental Income', 
        'letter' = 'Reminder letter', "female"="Female","parental_schooling"="Parental Schooling")
# Output Table
modelsummary(IVresults, stars = TRUE,statistic = 'std.error',  
             fmt= '%.4f',coef_map=cm, output =      )
Summer School 0.7780*** 0.4636***
(0.0172) (0.0588)
Parental Income 0.8718*** 1.0185*** 0.1869*** 0.9319***
(0.0277) (0.0357) (0.0227) (0.0307)
Reminder letter 0.2056*** 0.4434***
(0.0271) (0.0137)
Female −0.0226 −0.0143 0.0096 −0.0187
(0.0185) (0.0208) (0.0110) (0.0190)
Parental Schooling −0.0551** −0.0279 0.0363** −0.0447*
(0.0164) (0.0223) (0.0118) (0.0191)
Num.Obs. 3481 3481 3481 3481
R2 0.600 0.473 0.255 0.578
R2 Adj. 0.599 0.473 0.254 0.577
RMSE 0.63 0.73 0.43 0.65
Std.Errors by: school_id by: school_id by: school_id by: school_id
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

The first column shows that ignoring the selection problem and estimating the relationship between test score and summer school conditional controls, leads to a coefficient of 0.78SD. As expected this coefficient is larger than the IV estimate of 0.47SD shown in the fourth column of the table. The descriptive charts in chapter 5 suggested that the children who attended the summer school already had better test scores before the summer school and that their parents have higher incomes and completed more years of education. The coefficient in the first column above is therefore likely capturing not only the causal effect of the summer school but also other unobserved characteristics that are positively linked to test scores and summer school attendance.

10 Difference-in-Differences

Our IV story analysis was quite convincing. It is based on an RCT and the coefficient was smaller than the “naive OLS” as we expected. But let us not stop there. Let us also exploit that we have test scores of the children both before and after the summer school. We can therefore estimate a difference-in-differences specification:

\[test_score=\beta1+\beta_2summerschool_i+\beta_3after_i+\beta_4after_i\times summerschool+\gamma'X_i+u_i\]

Where after refers to test scores after attending the summer school.

10.2 Estimating the Difference-in-Differences model

Let’s estimate the simple difference-in-differences model using only data on year 5 and year 6 with the lm() function. We first modify the data to create an after indicator, using mutate() and ifelse().

# Select  year 5 and year 6 observations
# Generate an after indicator and the interaction between after and summer school
# Estimate the DiD regression and save the results in an element called m1
# Print the results
## Call:
## lm(formula = test_score ~ summerschool + after + afterXsumerschool, 
##     data = df)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -3.5110 -0.5365  0.0618  0.6110  3.3407 
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)       -0.18058    0.02098  -8.606   <2e-16 ***
## summerschool       0.38887    0.03079  12.629   <2e-16 ***
## after             -0.34717    0.02967 -11.701   <2e-16 ***
## afterXsumerschool  0.74794    0.04354  17.177   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9059 on 6957 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1796, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1792 
## F-statistic: 507.6 on 3 and 6957 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Very good. We observe that the difference-in-differences coefficient is 0.75. Suggesting that attending the summer school increases the test scores by 0.75SD. That is larger than the estimate we got above with the IV approach. Maybe it is because we only use year 5 and 6 and we saw this odd trend going from year 5 to year 6. Let’s therefore try to add all years.

We will use the feols() function to estimate the the difference-in-differences specification on all years (we could also use lm()). The first approach is the traditional approach with after, after X treated, and treated indicators. In the second approach we include year fixed effects instead of the after dummy. In the third approach we add controls.

# Modify data
# Estimate DiD without controls and fixed effects
# Estimate DiD without controls
# Estimate DiD  with controls
# Leave year 5 out to avoid dip

# Coefficients
cm <- c('afterXsummerschool'  = 'Summer School X After',
        'school'        = 'Summer School',
# Output Table
modelsummary(list(m1,m2,m3,m4), stars = TRUE,statistic = 'std.error',  
             statistic_override = vcov,
             fmt= '%.4f',coef_map=cm, output = 'gt'
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Summer School X After 0.6080*** 0.6080*** 0.6080*** 0.5442***
(0.0129) (0.0129) (0.0130) (0.0136)
Summer School 0.5806*** 0.5755*** 0.2045*** 0.2749***
(0.0347) (0.0345) (0.0219) (0.0221)
After -0.2822***
Num.Obs. 31363 31363 31363 27883
R2 0.233
R2 Adj. 0.232
RMSE 0.88 0.87 0.68 0.67
FE: school_id X X X
FE: year X X X
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

The treatment effects estimate are all around 0.6SD, which is slightly larger than the IV estimate, but smaller than the “naive OLS. The last column above shows the DiD estimate excluding year 5 where we observe the worrying deviations from the trend. As expected, this specification gives a slightly smaller coefficient of 0.54SD, it is however, still slightly larger than our IV estimate.

That is it! You made it to the end of my tutorial. Well done!